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Public Workouts by Rating

Sufferfest Elements of Style

Sufferfest Elements of Style - start at video start

Total Time: 00:38:40
Category: Technique
Author: sfield

Sin que te quite tiempo. VO2MAX 2.4 3+3 (corto)

Total Time: 00:38:00
Category: Speed endurance
Author: rafabaron

VO2 Max Intervals

Short bursts to boost VO2 max - critical in road races

Total Time: 01:17:00
Category: Explosive Power
Author: Stumurray

80 Minute Hill training

Total Time: 01:18:00
Category: Endurance
Author: 2kalong

20 Min Hi-Intensity Pyramid

Pyramid up @250w, rest watts 150

Total Time: 00:17:30
Category: Explosive Power
Author: ginamartyn

Mix of 2min and 4min intervals

Ten minute warm-up in two-minute increases.

First main set is 10 two minute intervals with one minute of recovery, going from 90%FTP to 110%FTP.
Three minutes of recovery.

Second main set is 3 four minute intervals with two minutes of recovery, going from 95%FTP to 85%FTP.
One minute (or longer) of cool-down.

Total Time: 01:00:00
Category: Muscular endurance
Author: mikslush

Brevi intervalli VO2 max

10:00 Riscaldamento
Obiettivi per l'allenamento:
1. Aumentare la velocità delle gambe e l'efficienza del pedale
2. Aumentare la forza muscolare
3. Aumentare l'estremità superiore del sistema aerobico
4. Aumentare la potenza sopra la Soglia del lattato
12:00 minuti di Sub-LT con gli sforzi Fast Cadence
4:00 Recupero minuti
Intervalli Super-LT
5 x 1:30 Intervalli Super-LT con recupero 1:00 minuti tra ciascuno. Watts / HR @
zona 4b con Cadence @ 90 - 100.
Recupero delle 5:00 minuti dopo l'impostazione
VO2 intervalli massimi
3 x 3:00 minuti @ Zona5 con recupero 3:00 minuti tra ciascuno. Cadenza tra 90 e 100 RPM.

Total Time: 01:02:30
Category: Sustained Power
Author: bertizi's Violator

Bring this workout to life. Get The Sufferfest's Violator training video. Available at
Start workout clock when words "Violator" appear on the screen (@ 1:07)

Total Time: 01:06:37
Category: Speed
Author: knuky

2 x 20 sweetspot

Total Time: 01:05:00
Category: Muscular endurance
Author: 781038693@facebook

HIT intervals

4 x 4 min intervals at 105% FTP with 4 min rest

Total Time: 00:10:33
Category: Strength
Author: dallaskerley