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Public Workouts by Rating

E7 Endurance Leg Speed

Total Time: 01:50:00
Category: Endurance
Author: laurenchandler

FTP+ Super Threshold efforts

30 minute warm up followed by 10 x 1min intervals at 120% of FTP, start the interval at full pace out of the saddle until you are wound up then sit and drive it hard for the rest of the inteval. 2 minutes between each interval at recovery pace, cool down at recovery pace to complete ride

Total Time: 01:28:00
Category: Explosive Power
Author: toomd

CX Micro Burst

2x10 (15 on 15 off)secs
5 min rest between set
10x10 sec sprints
2 min rest between
15 min cool down

Total Time: 01:19:10
Category: Explosive Power
Author: abutts

5x5 min intervals

Total Time: 01:00:00
Category: Sustained Power
Author: 10158947124710237@facebook