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Uploading to Garmin Connect

Assigned to:Ransom
Created:bsimes at Sat, 2018-01-20 18:10
Status:Open (Bug / Priority Normal)
Case ID:IMobileIntervals iphone application: 503-53886
Last modified:Sat, 2018-01-20 22:16


I love the app having bought it ages back.
Having taken a break to go Marathon running I'm getting back on the bike.

My issue is that uploading to Garmin Connect from within the app doesn't seem to work.
I know the username and password I'm using is correct - as I can log into the GC website with them.
The app says that any workouts I try to upload, upload successfully, but they never appear in Garmin Connect?

Any idea on how to fix this?


garmin upload issue

It looks to me like Garmin Connect authentication is ok, but I confirm that the upload seems to fail. I will investigate.