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Upload to apps (Garmin, Trainingpeaks, Strava) from iPhone app doesn't work anymore...

Assigned to:Ransom
Created:frarey at Sun, 2017-03-12 07:38
Status:Open (Bug / Priority Normal)
Case ID:IMobileIntervals iphone application: 503-49371
Last modified:Sun, 2017-03-12 09:03

... only uploading to Dropbox still works.

Could you have a look at this please?

Kind regards,



So far as I can tell, everything is working, having just uploaded activities to all these.

The app was updated a week or two ago to work with TrainingPeaks new REST API with OAuth authentication. If you haven't you should redo the TP authentication in settings.

Strava you can reset at anytime. Its OAuth also and hasn't changed any time recently.

Garmin had an update some months ago, you could try setting to a bad password, navigate to the Online tab and see that Garmin is greyed out, then go back to Settings and fix the pwd and check Online again.