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Powertap P1S power

Assigned to:Ransom
Created:MFranas at Sun, 2017-01-15 02:25
Status:Open (Bug / Priority Normal)
Case ID:IMobileIntervals iphone application: 503-47701
Last modified:Sun, 2017-01-15 16:26

I'm using the Powertap P1s powermeter to track my power. The app is doubling the power recorded by the powermeter. This is incorrect as the powermeter (which records left side power only) already doubles the power values to estimate total power. Therefore my power is reading at 200% on the app.

Powertap pedals

What result do you get when you use the WahooFitness app?

Our app uses the WahooFitness API to interface with any power sensor. If it is also doubled for the WahooFitness app, the problem is in the WahooFitness API. If it's OK, the problem is in our implementation, though I can't think of any reason that this would happen.